COVID-19 Response
COVID Protocols currently in effect
Turning Point Acupuncture and Shiatsu Therapy has implemented the guidelines set out by the Ministry of Health, Public Health Ontario and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture of Ontario.
These measures include:
COVID pre-screening and temperature check before each appointment.
Mandatory mask wearing.
Disinfecting before and after each client visit.
UV air filter to kill airborne pathogens.
Preparing for Your Appointment
Please self assess before each visit for COVID symptoms such as:
a new or worsening cough
shortness of breath
Loss of sense of taste or smell
Sore throat
other symptoms of COVID-19​
If you are feeling ill before your appointment please call to discuss.
When you Arrive
Upon arrival, please knock on the door and wait for me to let
you enter, sanitize your hands and put the supplied mask on.
A series of questions (COVID pre-screening questions) will be asked regarding your health, and your temperature will be taken with a touch free thermometer. If there are no COVID related issues, then we will proceed as usual.